A new
health culture.

A vertically
integrated company.

From growing its own medicinal plants to developing homeopathic medicines in its France-based pharmaceutical laboratory, SEVENE is driven by its ambition to offer safe, effective, smart natural health solutions that successfully address the concerns of our time.
Created by a visionary entrepreneur out of specialist knowledge of plants, combined with scientific expertise, the company takes an integrated approach to natural and alternative healthcare through the use of high-quality medicinal plants, extremely high-purity mother tinctures and homeopathic remedies listed in the pharmaceutical register.
In a world where living a better
and longer life is becoming increasingly difficult.
Sevene is convinced that the informed and considerate use of natural treatments enabled by today’s technical resources, technology and scientific knowledge is one the ways forward for tomorrow’s healthcare.
In its response to an environment that becomes a little more hostile every day, the company is more resistant than ever to be part of the dominant trend towards global industrialization and chemicalization. A bold and optimistic change maker, Damien Verrier is the figurehead of this committed alternative to healthcare, and a pioneer in the industry.
Damien and his business partner Guillaume Loïs are driven by the determination to trailblaze a new approach to medicine that effectively addresses the challenges of today.
Driven by its ongoing quest for innovation and improvement, Sevene is inventing nothing less than a responsible and ecological future for medicine in its laboratories.

Sevene operates
on 2 continents.
Our expertise in plants, mother tinctures and homeopathic medicine production is concentrated in the Cévennes region of France.
In the USA, our fast-growing Olloïs brand of homeopathic remedies is distributed and retailed by the country’s largest specialist Natural Health networks.
The Core Values
of Sevene.
Determined to have the merits of an alternative approach to medicine recognized and adopted by health care professionals who share its convictions, Sevene is committed to providing the maximum number of people with natural, effective health solutions that respect the body and our natural environment.
Working together around a common vision to facilitate change through unity.
The will to do business ethically and in ways that respect people and nature from beginning to end.
A deeply-held belief that things can be done differently in ways that create a more desirable future for everyone.
Bold vision
The ability to continually imagine and invent new things by overcoming barriers and challenging the status quo.